Chroma Luna has a large selection Facebook Comments, Glitter
Graphics, HTML codes, Photo Albums, Customizable Comments,
and Images to decorate and "Pimp" up your Facebook profile.
You can also use these materials for Xanga, Friendster or
any other social networking or dating web site. You can even
use these themes and comments in your emails, instant
messaging or to decorated you blog or web site. We have
sections emphasizing holidays, days of the week, pets and
animal lovers. We have an especially large selection of
Christmas and Holiday Facebook greetings and christmas cards.
Hundreds of new comments are added every week, so stop by
often to check out our latest offerings.
FaceBook Animated Greeting Cards, Comments and Graphics
and New Year and Happy
Birthday to Everyone on Facebook, MySpace,
Bebo, Hi5, Friendster,
and Goggle+ |

Facebook Happy
Birthday Comment |

Facebook Happy
Birthday Comment |

Facebook Happy
Birthday Comment |

Facebook NASCAR Comments
and Car Racing Number Decals |

Fantasy Art Comments |
At Chromaluna Designs, you
will find everything you need to send greetings
and comments to your Friends on Facebook, MySpace,
Friendster, Hi5, Orkut and Facebook. You will
also find everything you need to decorate your
profile on your favorite social networking site.
We have Comments for virtually every occasion,
including Holiday Comments, Happy Birthday
Comments, Cat and Dog comments, Sports Comments,
Astrology Comments and dozens of other
categories. |
At ChromaLuna we also have
Facebook codes that range from Facebook
Cursors, glitter graphics, simple images, words,
phrases, pictures, designs, photographs, and
more complex interesting abstract art and
animations. By posting these materials on
Facebook can make your personal-internet spaces more
attractive and interesting, and help you make a
statement about who you are, what you think and
your vision of the world. All materials are free
of charge. |

Facebook Hot and Sexy Comments |
Why post ordinary
comments when you can customize your comments
with your own picture and message?? |
With our customizable comments,
you can insert any picture from your own
computer in just seconds. You can choose from
hundreds of ready- made images or use your own
creativity to create your own. When you are
finished customizing, you just paste the code
into your profile, comment or email and your
special image will appear. |

Click Here for Facebook Customizable comments |
Popular Categories |
Customizable Comments. In this section you will
find customizable Facebook Comments. These
include customizable Photo Albums that allow you
to post your favorite pictures in beautiful
frames. We also have customizable comments and
greetings. The most fun part is that we have
funny, silly and even beautiful images that you
can customize with your own face or the face of
your friends and family. Our tools make it easy
to customize and yet they are powerful enough to
produce the most stunning graphics. |
This section contains Facebook Hello
Comments, How are you Comments, Sending Some
Love Comments, Facebook Thank You Comments, with codes, images and
Glitter Graphics for every occasion. Whether you
are just saying hello or want to express a mood,
a thought, an idea or a philosophy, we have the
perfect comment. |
Facebook Attitude
This section contains Facebook Attitude
Comments, Sassy Comments, Quips and Comebacks to tease, push back or just plain
give somebody a hard time. We also have Facebook
Jokes and Witty Comments in this section |
Facebook Happy Birthday
Comments. Send Happy Birthday Comments
to your friends on Facebook. Let your friends know you remembered
them on that
special day. |
Love and Romance Comments. Love makes
the world go round, so tell your sweetheart a
how you feel with one of our animated comments
and graphics. |
Holiday Comments.
We have Facebook Holiday Comments for all
major and minor holidays. With over 50
major and minor holidays covered, we have a full compliment of
Facebook holiday greetings
for every season. |
Cursors & Animated Cursors. We have the
best cursors on the internet. More than
90% of our cursors are animated. They include
lots of Teddy Bears, Pandas, Butterflies, Music
Cursors, Smiley-Face Cursors, Sports
Cursors and many more categories. They are
perfect for Pimping your Profile |
Facebook Sport
This section contains Facebook Sports
Comments. We have comments for specific teams as
well as general sports comments for various types of
sports. With our sports comments, glitter
graphics and codes, you can express your feelings
whether you are a winner or a loser. |
Facebook Days of the Week Comments. In
this section you will find Facebook Comments for
every day of the week. We also have general
comments that work for any day, plus weekend
comments. Cheer up someone's day by posting one
of our comments. |
Facebook Animal & Pet Lover Comments.
This section contains Facebook Cat Comments and
Facebook Dog Comments, plus lots of Facebook Thank
You notes, codes and Glitter graphics for your
animal friends. Facebook
is a real haven for all kinds of animals and
animal lovers, so express your love for your
furry friends with these comments. |
Facebook Astrology & Zodiac
This section contains Astrology and Zodiac
comments and graphics. Express your true
celestial nature by posting one of Astrology
comments on your profile. |
Facebook Patriotic
This sections contain Facebook
Patriotic Comments. Express your feelings about your
country, your flag, and the men and women who serve her by
posting our Facebook Patriotic Comments. |
Facebook Cool Graphics. In this section
you will find cool designs and images for
decorating your profile and to accent one of
your comments. |
questions, comments or site problems please go to our contact page:
Contact Us |
2018 ChromaLuna.com - not associated with FaceBook, MySpace, Xanga, Friendster,
or any other social networking site. |
Privacy Policy |