Every cat needs to keep up with his/her MySpace friends. Our
MySpace Cat Comments, images, glitter graphics and HTML
codes will make your cat the talk of the internet. Now just
hand the keyboard to your feline friend and listen to him/her
Chroma Luna has a large selection HTML codes, images,
glitter graphics and comments to decorate and "Pimp" up your
MySpace profile. You can also use these materials for Xanga,
Friendster or any other social networking or dating web
site. You can even use these themes and comments in your
emails, instant messaging or to decorated you blog or web
site. We have sections emphasizing holidays, days of the
week, pets and animal lovers. We have an especially large
selection of Christmas and Holiday MySpace greetings and
christmas cards. Hundreds of new comments are added every
week, so stop by often to check out our latest offerings.
> |
MySpace Cat Comments for Cats and Cat Lovers |
Cat Holidays |
Cat Holidays.
Cats think that every day is a holiday.
To make your favorite feline really happy, send
them one of our cat holiday MySpace Comments.
Wisdom/Silliness |
Cat Wisdom/Silliness -
We all know that cats live in different universe
from the rest of us. Sometimes this makes them
wise beyond understanding. Sometimes it just
makes them silly beyond understanding. Here you
will find a mixture of both |
Cat Birthdays |
Birthdays - Every cat needs a special
day of the year all his/her own. Give your
favorite feline friend a special present of our
MySpace cat birthday comments. |
Cat Thank-You Notes |
Cat Thank-you
Notes. Every friendship is precious so
it is important thank a new friend every time
you are have been added. These special
feline-approved cat thank-you notes are the
perfect way to send greetings to your new
friends. |
Cat Chain Letters |
Cat Chain Letters
- Spread friendship across the internet with
these feline chain letters. If you send the
chain letter to 10 cats, in the next round, 100
cats will a pleasant surprise. Each round adds
another zero so that by the end of six rounds,
1,000,000 cats will have received your message. |
questions, comments or site problems please go to our contact page:
Contact Us |
2018 ChromaLuna.com - not associated with FaceBook, MySpace, Xanga, Friendster,
or any other social networking site. |
Privacy Policy |