December 7th marks the day the Japanese attacked the US
fleet in Pearl Harbor and the US entered World War II. In a
speach to Congress, Franklin Roosevelt utter the famous
lines "It is a day that will live in infamy." Today we
remember the men and women who gave their lives in the
attack and also all those who sacrificed to bring victory
during World War II. Express your feelings for our Country
and the people who have given up so much to keep us safe and
strong, with our MySpace Patriotic Comments, Images and
Graphics. Posting our codes and images on your MySpace
profile will help you convey your true feelings about our
land of great freedom.
Chroma Luna has a large selection HTML codes, images,
glitter graphics and comments to decorate and "Pimp" up your
MySpace profile. You can also use these materials for Xanga,
Friendster or any other social networking or dating web
site. You can even use these themes and comments in your
emails, instant messaging or to decorated you blog or web
site. We have sections emphasizing holidays, days of the
week, pets and animal lovers. We have an especially large
selection of Christmas and Holiday MySpace greetings and
christmas cards. Hundreds of new comments are added every
week, so stop by often to check out our latest offerings.
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